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Tytuł pozycji:

Supporting industrial implementation of R&D results with commercialisation models

Supporting industrial implementation of R&D results with commercialisation models
Poteralska, Beata
Walasik, Marzena
technology management
prototype production and services
R&D organisation
commercialisation models
marketing tools
commercialisation path
zarządzanie technologią
produkcja prototypów
instytucja B+R
model komercjalizacji
instrumenty marketingowe
ścieżka komercjalizacji
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Białostocka. Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej
CC BY-NC-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 4.0
Engineering Management in Production and Services; 2022, 14, 2; 56--66
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The paper aims to present commercialisation models for advanced technologies and services which can be applied in an R&D organisation. Against the background of the literature review on theoretical and practically verified commercialisation models, and marketing strategies and tools, the authors propose an original model, 7MWwBP, composed of several hybrid submodels. The model is intended to support commercialisation processes carried out at R&D organisations. The model is based on the input criteria (the type of innovation and the character of the innovation related to the market demand scale), and it indicates possible commercialisation paths (sale, licence, provision of a service, or a spin-off) and sets of dedicated marketing tools (BTL). The advantage of the model is that an R&D result (innovation) is its focal point, and the whole commercialisation process depends on it. The model aims to mitigate an empirical and research gap as regards commercialisation models suitable for R&D organisations. Furthermore, the model is distinguished by a holistic approach, which is not common for the commercialisation models described in the literature, as they do not comprehensively consider the relationship between the models and the type and character of a technological solution, commercialisation path, and the marketing tools used for commercialisation of R&D results. All the listed aspects are considered and included in the 7MWwBP model, which makes it suitable for the commercialisation of R&D results originating from research organisations, as presented in and substantiated by the example of an actual commercialisation process concerning R&D results in the field of optomechatronics.

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