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Role of a midwife in cervical cancer prevention based on a study of the population of women residing in the Bialski poviat

Role of a midwife in cervical cancer prevention based on a study of the population of women residing in the Bialski poviat
Gładysz, I.
cervical cancer
cancer prevention
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Opolski. Instytut Nauk o Zdrowiu
CC BY-NC-SA: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
Medical Science Pulse; 2020, 14, 2; 44-48
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Background: Cancer, next to cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, accidents, and mental illness, is one of the most common diseases of the 21st century. In the female population, cervical cancer is most often diagnosed at late stages. Aim of the study: The goal of the study is to determine the opinions of women who reside in Bialski poviat about midwife participation in cervical cancer screening and prevention. Material and methods: The study group was recruited from randomly selected patients from two physiotherapy offices in the Bialski poviat, as well as students and employees of the State University Pope John Paul II in Biala Podlaska. The research tool consisted of the author’s questionnaire concerning the role of midwives in cervical cancer prevention and consisted of 25 questions. Results: Almost half of the respondents or 44.2% (76) believe that the role of a midwife in cervical cancer prevention is based on health education given to women about cervical cancer screening and prevention. 27.3% (47) believe that the role of a midwife in prevention is based on the availability of cytological pap smears. Most or 56% (14) respondents from the age group over 55 and 29.2% (7) surveyed in the 18–25 age group knew about the important role of midwives performing cytological pap smear as part of a prevention strategy against cervical cancer. Conclusions: 1. The knowledge base of the women examined, regarding the role of a midwife in the prevention of cervical cancer, is lacking or insufficient. 2. The role of the midwife in the prevention of cervical cancer is unknown to young women in the 18–25 age group.

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