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Taxonomic position of Pinus ceciliae (Pinaceae) endemic for Balearic Islands as revealed on needle characteristics

Taxonomic position of Pinus ceciliae (Pinaceae) endemic for Balearic Islands as revealed on needle characteristics
Boratynska, K.
Tomaszewski, D.
Montserrat, J.M.
Marek, S.
Boratynski, A.
discrimination analysis
Pinus halepensis
Principal Component Analysis
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Dendrologii PAN
CC BY-NC-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 4.0
Dendrobiology; 2019, 82; 8-16
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The Cecilian pine (Pinus ceciliae) is endemic to Balearic islands (Spain). It is a small taxon, some- times treated as synonym of Aleppo pine (P. halepensis), to which is closely related, differing mainly with dense crown shape and upright branches. The other characteristics, which differ between P. ceciliae and P. halepensis concern the cone scale and needle length only. We examined biometrically needles of Cecilian pine from Mallorca (5 tress) and Menorca (9 trees) islands, and compared them to Aleppo pine populations rep- resented by 30 trees from each island. Each tree was represented by 5 needles, and they were studied with respect to 17 morphological and anatomical characteristics. We detected that needles of the Cecilian pine were smaller, but only when compared to the Aleppo pine from the same island. In general, this difference was also observed in the number of resin canals, number of stomata and stomatal rows. Interestingly, the proportions of the needle dimensions pattern were similar in both taxa. In conclusion we stated the results support the taxonomic rank of Cecilian pine as a variety, Pinus halepensis var. ceciliae (Llorens & L.Llorens) L.Llorens, Fl. Països Catalans, 1: 197 (1984)

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