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A scientometric view at real estate issues in risk management: Management research versus finance research

A scientometric view at real estate issues in risk management: Management research versus finance research
Gorzeń-Mitka, Iwona
real estate
risk management
scientometric analysis
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
CC BY-NC: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne 4.0
Studies in Risk and Sustainable Development; 2022, 396; 1-12
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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PURPOSE: The aim of the paper is to map the thematic landscape of real estate research in the context of risk management and to contribute to the identification and exploration of relationships between specific constructs in the management versus finance research. DESIGN/METHOD: This article applies some scientometric techniques. A combination of topic mapping has been used, as well as the author’s and journal co-citation analyses, and overlay visualisation of main and new topics in these fields. For the purposes of bibliometric analysis, the following tools and techniques have been used: trend analysis of the number of publications, citation analysis, the word co-occurrence method, and clustering (cluster analysis). The VOSviewer software and the data analysis tools available in the SCOPUS database were used for the analysis. RESULTS/FINDINGS: The main findings of this study are: the study of real estate issues in the context of risk management is a relatively new trend in academic research, which has been intensified over the past 10 years; the problems are studied mainly from the point of view of management research, financial research and engineering research; most of the leading researchers in this field combine aspects of management with aspects of finance in their studies; a relatively new trend in the study of the real estate issues in the context of risk management is the research on the use of artificial intelligence and the analysis of the impact of climate change on these processes. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This article makes the important contribution to real estate research in the context of risk management in management research and finance research. The analyses revealed some patterns of convergence and divergence and the diversity of topics, specialisation, and interdisciplinary engagement in the context of real estate issues in the context of risk management in management and finance research, thus offering the latest insights into the state-of-the-art of the fields.

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