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Tytuł pozycji:

Wybrane zagadnienia związane ze stosowaniem instytucji usiłowania we współczesnym orzecznictwie sądów polskich

Wybrane zagadnienia związane ze stosowaniem instytucji usiłowania we współczesnym orzecznictwie sądów polskich
Selected issues concerning application of the successful attempt and inept attempt in contemporary jurisprudence of the Polish courts
Zawidzka, Katarzyna
successful attempt
inept attempt
aiming directly to commit a crime
an object that is suitable for committing a criminal act on it
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
CC BY-SA: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
Problemy Prawa Karnego; 2021, 5, 1; 1-24
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The institution of attempt is used relatively frequently in the practice of justice system.Importantly, it always separates the punishable stage of attempt from punishable preparatory activities, and therefore constitutes the limit of criminalization. Despite its practical importance, using of the indicated legal structure, raises a number of doubts that are related to the proper interpretation of the normative concepts comprising it. A consequence is moving the limit of punishability of the crime by adjudicating authorities. It can raise some objections – from fundamental principle of criminal law inthe form of nullum crimen sine lege point of view. The article discusses the problems of that appear in jurisdiction in connection with the application of the attempt institution; these problems raise interest among doctrine. The author confronts irreconcilable judgments. The Author searches interpretative solutions that seem the most appropriate from theoretical and dogmatic structure of the successful attempt and inept attempt point of view.

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