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Waldorf Approaches to Organization of the Pedagogical Process and Their Influence on the Quality of Education of Ukrainian Junior Schoolchildren

Waldorf Approaches to Organization of the Pedagogical Process and Their Influence on the Quality of Education of Ukrainian Junior Schoolchildren
Ionova, Olena
Gres, Oksana
Partola, Wiktoriia
Luparenko, Svitlana
junior schoolchildren
pedagogical process
quality of education
Waldorf approaches
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
CC BY-NC: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne 4.0
The New Educational Review; 2018, 54; 135-145
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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With the aim of determination of the influence of Waldorf approaches to the organization of the pedagogical process on the quality of education of Ukrainian junior schoolchildren, the presented experimental research was carried out over the period 2014 – 2016. Third grade schoolchildren of general educational institutions were involved in the experimental research. The organizational forms and methods of Waldorf school were implemented. They were: rhythmic organization of the pedagogical process, artistic teaching, limited use of standard textbooks and schoolchildren’s work on drawing up their own work notebooks, involvement of art elements in the study of all subjects, differentiated exercises for children with different types of temperament, use of active-practical projects, active exercises and games. The positive influence of Waldorf approaches on the quality of schoolchildren’s knowledge (fullness of knowledge and level of their assimilation) and development of their personal- motivational sphere (junior schoolchildren’s attitude to learning, levels of their cognitive activity) was detected. An increase in the level of schoolchildren’s activity and autonomy in educational-cognitive activity was found. The obtained data makes it possible to disseminate Waldorf educational experience for improving the quality of education of junior schoolchildren.

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