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Назва предмета:

Efficiency of Integration of Knowledge, Forms and Methods of Education of Students in Vocational-Technical School

Efficiency of Integration of Knowledge, Forms and Methods of Education of Students in Vocational-Technical School
Kozlovska, Iryna
Savka, Iryna
Stechkevych, Oleh
integration in education
integration of knowledge
integration of forms and methods
vocational school
Дата публікації:
Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek
CC BY-NC: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne 4.0
The New Educational Review; 2021, 64; 160-172
Постачальник контенту:
Biblioteka Nauki
  Перейдіть до джерела  Посилання відкриється в новому вікні
The article demonstrates the expediency of integrating of knowledge of the structure and properties of substance and building materials. It is shown that this approach avoids duplication of related material, overcomes inconsistency in the interpretation of concepts, the use of quantities and units of their measurements. Didactic requirements for the implementation of the ideas of integrated learning of related material are substantiated, the integrated content of knowledge of the substance and materials is worked out, different forms and methods of knowledge integration are tested depending on the nature of the integrated material. Special feedback from teachers of special technology and masters of industrial training is received. The training offered by our programs also receives a positive assessment of the students due to the decrease in the workload, the reduction of homework with the same educational significance, the availability of special concepts, the emergence of interest in the study of physics. The experiment reveals that integrated lessons, lectures, laboratory and tests, as well as integrated questions, tasks with integrated content, concretization and supplementation of physical knowledge with general and special ones, use of complex tasks, etc. are found to be effective forms of knowledge integration. Generalization of the results of the experimental work shows the benefits of learning oriented programs that involve the integration of students’ knowledge about the structure and properties of substance and building materials. It is important not to overburden any educational process with excessive integration, but to focus on its optimal use: in fact, the laws of educational integrology are aimed at it.

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