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Tytuł pozycji:

Influence of the organisational and legal changes in the Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre on effectiveness of the provided services

Influence of the organisational and legal changes in the Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre on effectiveness of the provided services
Sońta, Wojciech
budget unit
municipal company
Data publikacji:
Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy "SPATIUM"
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Central European Review of Economics & Finance; 2021, 33, 2; 35-54
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The author of the article makes the research hypothesis that the local governments should join the restructuration programs of the municipal companies with more engagement because there are too less changes which would allow more efficient, cheaper and more competitive their management. Privatization is one of the restructuration methods recommended by the local governments which already have executed it. These are the actions which many local governments needlessly refrain and postpone them in time being afraid of sizes and scale of the changes in a company after their implementation. The local communities lose on such proceeding as they are forced to use expensive low-quality services. The purpose of the article is evaluation whether the change of the organisational and legal form from the budget unit to the limited liability company is effective. There will be used analysis of literature studies and source data concerning the Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre limited liability company in Radom to solve the created research problem. Results of the conducted research were included in the summary in points from 1 to 9, which prove that the assumed research?s goal in the article?s introduction has been achieved. 

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