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Tytuł pozycji:

Effects of creatine hydrochloride supplementation on physical performance and hormonal changes in soldiers

Effects of creatine hydrochloride supplementation on physical performance and hormonal changes in soldiers
Tayebi, Mohammad Milad
Yousefpour, Mitra
Ghahari, Laya
Data publikacji:
PPHU Projack Jacek Wąsik
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Physical Activity Review; 2021, 1, 9; 93-99
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of 2 weeks of creatine hydrochloride (CrHCl) supplementation on physical performance and hormonal changes in army soldiers. Materials: Eighteen male army soldiers were randomly assigned in a double-blind fashion to either a CrHCl (n=9) or placebo (Pl) (n=9) groups. CrHCl group costumed 3g of creatine per day, whereas Pl group was given dextrose. Before and after supplementation period, the subjects performed a battery of performance tests including one repletion maximum (1RM) of bench press and back squat, vertical jump (VJ) and Wingate anaerobic test. In addition, blood samples were obtained to determine changes in testosterone and cortisol concentrations per and post supplementation. Results: There were significant increases in VJ, peak and mean power, and 1RM back squat test following the 2 weeks of CrHCl supplementation (p < 0.05) without any significant change for the Pl group. In addition significant changes were observed in testosterone and cortisol concentrations from before to after supplementation in CrHCl group (p < 0.05) and compared with Pl group (p=0.001). Conclusions: In conclusion, the present study indicates that CrHCl supplementation can improve VJ, power performance, 1RM back squat and hormonal changes in army soldiers.

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