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Tytuł pozycji:

The influence of a training programme on the special physical fitness of ju-jitsu trainees

The influence of a training programme on the special physical fitness of ju-jitsu trainees
Ambroży, Tadeusz
Nowak, Mateusz
Mucha, Dariusz
Chwała, Wiesław
Piwowarski, Juliusz
special physical fitness
strength training
martial arts
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego i Indywidualnego Apeiron w Krakowie
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Security Dimensions; 2014, 12(12); 178-186
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The purpose of training in ju-jitsu is developing characteristic adaptation to physical activity and optimizing body functions so as to obtain maximal achievements. A means to an end is mastering the fighting technique and develop the essential level of special physical fitness. The aim of this paper was to determine the influence of a modified circuit training conducted according to an original program on level of special physical fitness of ju-jitsu trainees. Ju-jitsu trainees having similar somatic parameters and training experience (3-5 years) were included in the research. 30 participants between the age of 21 and 28 have been selected by means of a purposeful selection. On the basis of different variants of a circuit training and governed by the guidelines of a functional training for trainees, we have developed a training programme which aims to develop special strength, stamina and speed skills. STATISTICA PL software was used to compile the results. In order to determine statistical significance of differences between pre- and posttest measurements in the evaluated group of Ju-Jitsu contestants, a t-test for related groups was used. In conclusion, the proposed training programme proceeds at a high level of intensity, which resembles start activity (which is indicated by the heart rate frequency measurement and lactic acid blood concentration) and may be used in ju-jistu training. The experimental training programme has exerted positive influence on the participants’ with respect to the number of movements made, which can affect their effectiveness in fight.

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