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Tytuł pozycji:

Paliwa sektora energetycznego i odpady chemii organicznej jako paliwo alternatywne a ochrona środowiska w Polsce w świetle przepisów Unii Europejskiej. Część II. Gospodarka paliwami a implementowanie aktów normatywnych Unii Europejskiej

Paliwa sektora energetycznego i odpady chemii organicznej jako paliwo alternatywne a ochrona środowiska w Polsce w świetle przepisów Unii Europejskiej. Część II. Gospodarka paliwami a implementowanie aktów normatywnych Unii Europejskiej
Fuels of the energy sector and organic chemistry waste as an alternative fuel and environment protection in Poland in the light of regulations of the European Union. Part II. Fuel economy and implementation of European Union directives
Weiner, A.
paliwa alternatywne
surowce energetyczne
rynek paliw
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2006, Tom 8; 337-353
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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In the light of developing in the nineties structure of primal energy, so-called energetic self-sufficiency coefficient in Poland is decreasing from around 1 in the years 1980÷1995 to 0,8 in 2000 and to about 0,6 in the perspective of 2020. It is a result of making smaller usage of coal, of which resources however are considerable in the country and rise share of hydrocarbons, of which domestic resources are little not to say small. According to 2001/77/WE Directive in the matter of promotion of electric energy from renewable sources, every membership state is obliged to achieve to year 2010 the suitable participation of so-called green electric energy in total balance of electric energy manufactured. Appropriate coefficients were also agreed with candidate states. The index amounts 7.5% for Poland. It is ambitious purpose. Its realization should extort proper changes in the energy balance. Poland in order to fulfil the outlined coefficient will be forced to apply suitable supporting programs. These obligations will also increase the rival pressure, especially on market of the "conventional" power industry. Because the penetration of the green energy will be taking place on the cost of coal. It is difficult to estimate the temporal range of changes because discussed coefficient have only optional character at present. It is worthwhile however emphasizing that the Commission will have the right to assess fulfilment of coefficient purposes and suggest actions, which membership states (including Poland) will already be obligated to fulfil under threat of financial punishments. On the other hand supporting the development of the renewable sources of energy is a chance for companies which can turn up to the market of producers as new subjects. Knowing the energy politics of European Commission, which membership states must hold on to, it is possible to predict direction of changes also in Poland. The politics is becoming more predictable this way, and investment risk, in this case concerning the renewable energetics, is burdened with smaller anxieties. At present in developed countries of the world, a series of updated continuously technologies of waste utilisation is applied. The most common is burning which can be led in different processes e.g. direct burning in the chamber, rotational, fluidal burning, etc. There are also other methods of thermal utilisation of waste, such as pyrolysis or utilisation in plasma couple. So domestic and industrial waste or their mixtures both in the solid as well as liquid state can be alternative fuels (substitute, secondary) used in the industry as the substitute of conventional fuels.

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