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Tytuł pozycji:

Ocena warunków meteorologicznych na terenach pogórniczych Konińskiego Zagłębia Węgla Brunatnego

Ocena warunków meteorologicznych na terenach pogórniczych Konińskiego Zagłębia Węgla Brunatnego
Estimation of Meteorological Conditionsin the Area of Postmining Grounds of the Konin Region
Stachowski, P.
Oliskiewicz-Krzywicka, A.
Kozaczyk, P.
warunki meteorologiczne
tereny pogórnicze
Data publikacji:
Politechnika Koszalińska. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska; 2013, Tom 15, cz. 2; 1834-1861
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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This work documents the detailed analysis of the basic elements of climate during last 50 years. from 1965 to 2012, in the areas of the Konin region artificially transformed by human interaction. Two meteorological elements were analyzed in detail: water precipitation and air temperature. The air temperature measurements during the last years shows that the year average air temperature between 1980 and 2012 was 9,2°C It was 2,5°C for the winter half year and was 15,8°C for the summer half year. The hydrological years, in which the year’s average air temperature was below -0,7°C to -1,3°C from that of the previous years average, were qualified as “cold ones”. The years classified as “hot ones” have the year average air temperature higher by 0,7°C to 1,9°C from the previous years average. Based on the analysis of the air temperature, there is an important tendency of the increase of the air temperature during last 30 years. The increase of the year average air temperature from 1986 to1995, in comparison with the years from 2005 to 2012, was 0,5°C, which means an increase of about 0,02°C during the 10 years. Most important is the fact, that from the beginning of 1985 the increase of the temperature is very rapid in comparison with the last period. The largest increase of the air temperature average appeared in the summer periods during which the increase of the average air temperature was 2,2°C, which means an increase of 0,7°C for 10 years. In the area of post mining grounds in the Konin quarry, the average year precipitation between 1965 and 2012, was 517 mm and was below that of the average in the Wielkopolska region and the whole country. The average precipitation during the winter half year was 190 mm and during summer half year was 327 mm. In the years from 1990/1991 to 2011/2012, there were 12–14 years classified as wet, 5–7 years classified as dry and 3 normal periods. The analysis of water precipitation during the last 50 years on the post mining grounds in the Konin area, did not confirm the thesis propagated by the users of the post mining grounds about the decrease of annual precipitation during last 50 years of the 20th. Century in this Wielkopolska region. During this period, it was noticed that there is an increase of the total of precipitation during the winter half years, and a decrease of the precipitation during the summer half years. At the same time, the increase of the air temperature during the winter caused a change of the snow precipitation to water precipitation. In addition to this, the ground was weakly frozen and the evaporation was low which caused precipitation to soak into the soil and an increase of the water retention after winter. All of this, in association with human activity in this area, can lead to the increase of evaporation. Additional to this, the lack or even small increase of precipitation leads to the deterioration of water reserves. These changes in the climate of post mining grounds will change the situation of water reserves for the worse. It is necessary to create an integrated strategy of water management in this area, to concentrate the water retention during high precipitation, and to utilize the water from drainage from the quarry mine.

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