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Tytuł pozycji:

Zwrot obrazowy na tle współczesnych przemian teorii obrazu

Zwrot obrazowy na tle współczesnych przemian teorii obrazu
Ratajczak-Parzyńska, Dagmara
pictorial turn
image theory
anthropology of image
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 3.0 PL
Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny; 2015, 60(2 (236)); 173-184
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The main aim of this article is an attempt to show a new scientific/scholarly discipline that is the study of image. The study is spreading in the area of the social sciences and it is connected with hope for further, scientific undertakings that will refresh and depict a slightly different view to the perception and interpretation of sense in the image. The author emphasises that all the sources referring to pictorial turn, should be sought at the philosophical basis of the image theory as well as the language conceptions. At the same time they set a trend for further scientific investigations. It is essential to show an anthropology of the image that follows the way of the image getting absorbed in the analysis of the media as well as the symbols, including the symbols created by the particular culture on the grounds of the sense made by the human existence.

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