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The properties of humus in some profiles of the black earth-gleyic phaeozems - from the Malopolska Upland

The properties of humus in some profiles of the black earth-gleyic phaeozems - from the Malopolska Upland
Mazurek, R
Niemyska-Lukaszuk, J.
soil formation
water deposit
air condition
moisture condition
Malopolska Upland
black earth
terrestrial ecosystem
Data publikacji:
Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Agrofizyki PAN
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Acta Agrophysica; 2001, 50; 197-205
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The aim of the present research work was to evaluate the influence of lithogenic conditions on the physico-chemical properties, quantity and quality of humus components in the black earths from the Małopolska Upland. Soil samples were collected from 5 soil profiles which represented proper black earth (profiles No. 1-4) and degraded black earth (profile No. 5). All the investigated soils were under sward. The examined black earths were characterised by different physico-chemical properties strongly related to the parent rock type. Their pH level and sorption capability were decreasing with a decrease in the clay content of the soil texture. Humus resources were the lowest in sandy black earths (average 212 t ha-1) and the highest in the black earh derived from clay (454 t ha1). In the humus composition of the examined black earths, humic acids dominated over fulvic acids. In the A horizons, the Ch:Cf ratio was close to 1, and lower in the upper parts of these horizons which is typical of turf soils. Humus horizons in some of the investigated black earths were classified as epipedon anthropoid according to phosphorus content soluble in 1% citric acid (109 P kg-1 soil).

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