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Tytuł pozycji:

Edukacja osób niepełnosprawnych

Edukacja osób niepełnosprawnych
Education of people with disabilities
Serafin, Teresa
special education
the education system
learners with disabilities
equal rights to education
Data publikacji:
Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Analiz Sejmowych
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. Swoboda użytkownika ograniczona do ustawowego zakresu dozwolonego użytku
Studia BAS; 2015, 2(42); 149-176
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Teaching children and youth with disabilities is an integral part of the education system in Poland. In publication is provided selected issues from the many legal instruments pertaining to the principles of the organization of special education pupils with a disability in the aspects of: 1) the strategy deciding on equalization of educational opportunities of disabled people, 2) ensuring conditions for learning by preschool and school chosen by the parents, 3) implementation of special education on the basis of quantitative analysis SIO Ministry of National Education. This is in close connection with the creation of legal arrangements giving the chance to earn an adequate education and equal participation in the life of people with disabilities. Based on the analysis of desk research/quantitative data obtained from of Educational Information System (SIO), showing that in the school year 2013–2014 in all kinds of kindergartens and schools has educated a total of 135 506 pupils with various disabilities. Public primary schools were the most frequently chosen for childrens: with low vision (~43.4%), hearing impaired (~41.4%) with autism/ Asperger’s Syndrome (~39.4%), with movement problems (~39%), the blind (~19.8%), with multiple disabilities (~16%), deaf (~12.5%). While the a total of students (135 506) with a disability education in mainstream secondary schools continued 7 222 (approximately 5,3%) of students. In special secondary schools continued training 13 027 (approximately 10%) of the students. Students with the ruling about the need for special education due to different of disability have the right to education at all levels of education in the school chosen by the parents, but not all graduates in gymnasiums are enrolled high schools.

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