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Changes in the pollution of Lodz voivodship rainwater as a result of changes in pollutant immissions

Changes in the pollution of Lodz voivodship rainwater as a result of changes in pollutant immissions
Czerwińska, Justyna
Wielgosiński, Grzegorz
air quality
rainwater pollution
jakość powietrza
zanieczyszczenie wód opadowych
Data publikacji:
Centrum Badań i Innowacji Pro-Akademia
CC BY: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0
Acta Innovations; 2019, 30; 31-37
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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Increasing urbanization rates, particularly in cities, cause an increase in pollutant emissions into the environment. Immission of pollutants is the amount of particulate or gaseous pollutants that is received by the environment. Natural precipitation, i.e. rainwater, is polluted during the contact with air. As a result of atmospheric precipitation groundwater and soil become polluted. The pollutants also penetrate surface water, causing further contamination. In rainwater that goes to the sewage system, there are pollutants such as hydrocarbons, heavy metals, slurries, plant protection products and many more. This is largely dependent on the type of management of the catchment, its sanitary condition, and the time and intensity of precipitation. Another important factor is the composition of pollutants emitted into the atmospheric air in each area. The work shows changes in the pollution of rainwater in Lodz Voivodship in the years 2010-2016 and presents analysis of the data collected by the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection. The analysis shows that the state of rainwater is steadily deteriorating which is directly related to air quality.

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