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Tytuł pozycji:

„Czerwona Marianna”, O polsko-francuskich związkach literackich na łamach „Odrodzenia” (1945–1950)

„Czerwona Marianna”, O polsko-francuskich związkach literackich na łamach „Odrodzenia” (1945–1950)
”Red Marianne.” On Polish-French connections in “Odrodzenie” magazine (1945–1950)
Bąbiak, Grzegorz
kultura polska po 1945
Karol Kuryluk
Jerzy Borejsza
literatura francuska w polskiej prasie
Polish culture after 1945
French literature in the polish cultural magazines
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
CC BY-NC-ND: Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych 4.0
Prace Polonistyczne; 2015, LXX; 9-29
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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The article comprehensively presents French art and literature in a socio-cultural weekly magazine that was published between 1944 and 1950, and that was considered to be one of the most prominent magazines in post-war Poland. Its widespread reach and open attitude towards culture that was reflected in “Odrodzenie” (contrary to Marxist approach represented in “Kuźnica”) influenced opinion-forming processes greatly and also shaped new literary canon. It was edited by Karol Kuryluk followed by Jerzy Borejsza — both editors had been genuinely involved in French culture since youth, hence the presence of writers and artists from that circle was explicit. Considering the amount of texts, “Odrodzenie” consisted mostly of Russian literature and also of French literature, that, having more artistic value, was ahead of English and Italian writings. Those proportions were also influenced by Aragon, Picasso and Eluard who were leftist and who were close friends with Kuryluk and Borejsza. Those connections were natural for both editors and they confirmed particular place that Poland took on the verge of Western and Eastern cultures. The transition that started to happen around 1948 and the processes that inhibited artistic freedom lead to a shift in the attitude towards Western culture which also included French culture. The beginning of Social Realism terminated artistic freedom and ended the publishing of “Odrodzenie” that was then perceived as too liberal. The magazine had printed classic writings by authors such as Diderot, Hugo, then-forgotten symbolists such as Verlaine, Rimbaud, and also by current writers that were gradually recognized in Polish culture.

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