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Source data for: Micro‐Scale Mechanical Metamaterial with a Controllable Transition in the Poissons Ratio and Band Gap Formation

Source data for: Micro‐Scale Mechanical Metamaterial with a Controllable Transition in the Poissons Ratio and Band Gap Formation
Dudek, Krzysztof
Iglesias Martínez, Julio A.
Ulliac, Gwenn
Hirsinger, Laurent
Wang, Lianchao
Laude, Vincent
Kadic, Muamer
Dudek, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Dostawca treści:
Repozytorium Otwartych Danych
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The ability to significantly change the mechanical and wave propagation properties of a structure without rebuilding it is currently one of the main challenges in the field of mechanical metamaterials. This stems from the enormous appeal that such tunable behavior may offer from the perspective of applications ranging from biomedical to protective devices, particularly in the case of micro-scale systems. In this work, a novel micro-scale mechanical metamaterial is proposed that can undergo a transition from one type of configuration to another, with one configuration having a very negative Poisson's ratio, corresponding to strong auxeticity, and the other having a highly positive Poisson's ratio. The formation of phononic band gaps can also be controlled concurrently which can be very useful for the design of vibration dampers and sensors. Finally, it is experimentally shown that the reconfiguration process can be induced and controlled remotely through application of a magnetic field by using appropriately distributed magnetic inclusions.

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